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Photek are pleased to be involved with the new Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network: "ASPIRE"
"ASPIRE" stands for "Angular Studies of Photoelectron in Innovative Research Environments". The ASPIRE network will focus on the measurement of Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions (MF-PADs), which can be interpreted as electron diffraction patterns achieved by "illuminating the molecule from within", and enable the electronic structure and dynamics of molecules to be interrogated. Progress in this area is highly technologically driven, requiring ever more sophisticated light sources and faster detectors. The input of private sector beneficiaries and partner organizations is therefore critical to the scientific objectives, as well as to the enhanced training environment provided by the network.
The following groups and projects form the core of the ASPIRE network, alongside partner organizations in the academic and private sectors. For more information on ASPIRE contact the Coordinator or one of the group leaders listed below.
University of Nottingham
* "Characterizing photoionization dynamics in moderately sized polyatomic molecules", Katharine Reid, katharine.reid@nottingham.ac.uk
* "Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in the recoil frame of small chiral species", Ivan Powis, ivan.powis@nottingham.ac.uk
* "Software development for microchannel detector read-out and multi0hit reconstruction", Ottmar Jagutzki, jagutzki@atom.uni-frankfurt.de
Goethe University Frankfurt
*"Three-dimensional molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions from chiral molecules using circularly polarized light", Reinhard Doerner, doerner@atom.uni-frankfurt.de
* "Development of a 3D detector for imaging experiments in a full spectrometer system", Orla Kelly, orlak@photek.co.uk
Universite Paris-Sud
* "Probing ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecules by spectrally & time resolved molecular frame photoelectron angular desitributions", Danielle Dowek, danielle.dowek@u-psud.fr
Synchrotron SOLEIL
* "Photelectron Circular Dichroism on large biological systems and nanoparticles", Laurent Nahon, nahon@synchrotron-soleil.fr
Aarhus University
* "Molecular structure determination using molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions from strong field ionization", Henrik Stapelfeldt, henriks@chem.au.dk>
* "PADs from aligned molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets", Henrik Stapelfeldt, henriks@chem.au.dk>
CNR-IFN and Politecnico di Milano
* "Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging of Complex Molecules by Laser Induced Electron Diffraction", Caterina Vozzi, caterina.vozzi@polimi.it
Max Born Institute, Berlin
* "Attosecond science using high repetition rate lasers", Marc Vrakking, marc.vrakking@mbi-berlin.de
* "Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions from aligned molecules", Marc Vrakking, marc.vrakking@mbi-berlin.de