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Our collaborators at Universities of Bristol and Oxford join forces
The School of Chemistry at University of Bristol and the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory at University of Oxford have teamed up in an ambitious 5-year project supported by the EPSRC. The project aims to investigate new chemical applications of ion imaging, with activities split between a series of scientific and technical work packages.
One of the technical work packages involves the development of novel ion optics for velocity and spatial map imaging. This builds on the successful Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Photek and the University of Bristol, which led to the design of the high-resolution Velocitas VMI DOUBLE PRIME ion optics. We have also collaborated with Profs Mike Ashfold and Andrew Orr-Ewing of Bristol and Prof Mark Brouard and Dr Clare Vallance of Oxford in other projects in the past, including the EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN "ICONIC". You can read about the different Velocitas VMI collaborations here.
Find out more about the Bristol-Oxford Imaging Group on their new website: http://dynamics.chem.ox.ac.uk
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Prof Mike Ashfold on being awarded the 2015 Herbert P. Broida Prize from the American Physical Society. Mike is receiving this prize "for his innovative work on molecular photodynamics, especially in combining multiwavelength experiments on small molecules, high quality electronic structure calculations, and physical organic chemistry concepts into a "bigger picture" for broad understanding of experimental photodynamics of systems of increasing complexity". Well done, Mike! He will receive the prize at the APS March 2015 meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Find out more about his research at the University of Bristol here: http://www.bristoldynamics.com