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Contact: panos@velocitas-vmi.com
Tel. +44 (0)1424 850555
New Horizon 2020 collaboration - 3 PhD studentships available
We have been awarded a joint research grant with the group of Prof Dave Parker at Radboud University Nijmegen from the Horizon 2020 European Industrial Doctorate Marie Curie program. The program, titled PUFF: Pulsed Valves, Fast Forward, looks to develop novel pulsed valves and related technology to deliver intense 'puffs' of cold gases for advanced molecular beam research.
Prof Parker first developed the Velocity Map Imaging technique in his laboratory. The new grant will build on past successful collaborations between Photek and Nijmegen, and will support the growth and development of the novel Velocitas VMI instrumentation.
The € 763,000 grant supports three Early Stage Researchers who will divide their time between Photek in the UK and Nijmegen in the Netherlands. The call for applications is now open, with a deadline of 4th January 2015.
For more information on the projects and how to apply: http://www.ru.nl/overons/werken-radboud/details-0/details_vacature_0?recid=542444